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Monday, June 6, 2011


This year I was the advisor to Student Council, which gave me access to all the previous records that are stored in a file cabinet in my office.  At the beginning of the year I casually browsed through a binder that looked old and interesting.  Now, I finally have time to write about the minutes I found.
"The first meeting of the 1972-1973 Student Council was called to order by Max Lucado, the president.  After introducing the officers, the minutes were read and approved, and the roll was called."  Imagine that--Max Lucado's name on those pages just as "matter-of-factly" as Victoria Chavez!  I was amazed.
Bobby and I went to one of his church services with Robert and Marina when they were living in San Antonio.  I still have the bulletin from Oak Hills Church, with the notes I took about "Facing Giants."  We all have to face giants from time to; some have bigger ones to face than others.  The lesson was about David and Goliath and the five stones David chose to defeat the monster.  Lucado said that "giants" dominate the landscape, intimidate, and contaminate our hope, and when this happens we need to choose the five stones for strength (use your hand to remember them).  The thumb is our past--remember all your prayers that God has answered, and the victories you have had that seemed impossible at the time.  The index finger reminds us to pray, even when the situation looks hopeless.  The middle finger is tallest and stands for our highest priority--God.  Look at the situation as a chance for God to show you His strength.  The ring finger is for the right passion--we should run toward the problem just as David ran toward the giant--"I pursued my enemies and crushed them; I did not turn back until they were destroyed (2 Samuel 22:38).  Most of the time we try to run away from our problem, while telling ourselves we are a victim.  The little finger is for persistence--keep praying, pray long and hard.
The bulletin from March 26, 2005 is still in my Bible, and from time to time I pull it out to read again, and remember all the giants that God has defeated for me, and to remind myself He is in charge.  All is well.  I hope you have a blessed day.

1 comment:

  1. That is pretty neat. I remember that sermon now that you refreshed my was a good one!
