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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Summer is Over...

but wasn't it good while it lasted? Today, I pulled up all the grass burrs I could find, mowed the last of the green grass, and ran the weed eater. It's time to put away the garden tools for this year, and make plans for another spring. I painted these handles this summer, just for fun, and to keep them from weathering. My two favorites aren't shown--Roundup and two-four-d! What would we do without them--organic is not all it's cracked up to be. I am just about done with a book called The Help, and it is so funny. I hope you can read it. Gotta get back to the game.


  1. To me, summer is over when the football games start!
    I'll try to get ahold of that book.
    And for a minute, I thought you were refering to someone, with the two-four-d....

  2. You have the best ideas! I would never have thought to paint the handles. Cowboy wants me to linseed oil everything. That is so boring! lol I left some of my summer work and am thinking of other endeavors!
