The calves were getting pretty big by this time.
The branding crew is truly amazing because everyone knows what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Three ropers are pulling calves in all at the same time and the wrestlers take over and the branding, cutting, tagging and vaccinating all begins.
Maggie has the vaccine gun, Wayland is coming with another gun, Barry is on the head and holding William. Bill Dutton is branding , Colin Murnion has a branding iron. The other irons are in the pot in the background.
Dallas Currey is going to tag the ear, Barry Dutton has the head, Rusty Phalen is on the hind legs.
John Wollenburg pulling one in. DeWayne Murnion is roping.
Joe Gibson cutting; Eric Carlson is on the head. In the background, Ben Posey and Ty Gibson are holding a calf.
Layne Murnion pulling one in. Abe Murnion and Tyrone Hageman are on the side.
Left to Right: Dallas Curry, Maggie Pluhar, Wayland Pluhar, Tucker Harmon Bill Dutton (branding), Colin Murnion, Abe Murnion (hind legs), Tyrone Hageman on the front and Jerome Chvilicek.
Jerome, D.J. Murnion, Eric Carlson, John Wollenburg building a loop, and Angus Pluhar with ear tagger.
Donald Weeding is cleaning the nuts and this fall there will be a big nut fry at the Jersey Lilly at Ingomar, Montana. I haven't made any of them but it is on my bucket list.
Bill Dutton and Layne Murnion.
DeWayne Murnion, Bill Dutton and Layne Murnion
DeWayne Murnion, Bill Dutton and Layne Murnion
Colin Murnion
This may be Tucker Harmon
Scotty Arnold
Joe Gibson and Donald Weeding taking a little break.
Rusty Phalen
Ben Posey and Chantal Penner
Bret Dailey, Ben Posey and Chantal Penner.
There were many more photos but this is all I am posting because I think I have nearly everyone covered. After the branding was done and the cows and calves were all mothered up everyone rode in to the home place and ate a delicious home cooked meal (all prepared by Karen Dutton). This is ranch life in real time and it is the best life anyone can ever have. I am so thankful that I grew up here.