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Friday, January 19, 2018

Winter in West Texas

We are dried out here at Jayton, and this is about all the moisture we have had this entire fall and winter.  Pray for rain!

 Don't you think winter has its own beauty?

 I have totally gotten out of the blogging habit, and I want to get back in to taking photos and writing.  Part of the problem is guilt!  Yes, I feel guilty sitting down to do a blog and take the time to go through photos, sort, delete, upload.  Part of it comes from having a fit bit, and now a watch that keeps track of my steps, standing, exercise, and heck, after I have sat and looked at Facebook for an hour, I just feel there is no more sitting time. That needs to change.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rosie, this is an interesting post. I haven't written in two years. I have written two and a half novels. Decided about a week ago to start again. Thought I would write a mystery (short story, just to get the feel again) about a woman (wife) left home alone in West Texas. She wakes up after a sandstorm... and I searched for west texas sandstorm and your blog was listed. I'm married, we have 5 kids (grown), live in the St Louis area. If you have info on the weather and terrain and day to day life in West Texas, I'd be interested. I'm going to go through your blog and try to gather what I can. I am on Facebook and I post most of my stuff as public (which irritates my wife). Here's my facebook link if you want to check out who is writing to you. Thanks!
