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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Who is John Galt?

I finished Atlas Shrugged on Friday--all 1168 pages of it, and loved it. It is so relevant today, more so than in 1957 when it was first released. Anyone who can read, and values freedom, prosperity, and free enterprise should read it just to help solidify their ideas. The story has it all, especially characters that you just love to despise, and good guys that win. So, get the book and find out-- "Who is John Galt?"
I finished another drawer while I watched the Tech v. Texas game. There were enough adveritsements woven in to give me time to paint, and relieve stress. I am sorry Tech didn't win, but playing in Sin City is very hard, especially when too many have been wounded, and had to sit on the side line. I have got to go check the pumpkin bread! Have a blessed Sunday.


  1. Oh, Rosie!! I love your art work!!! How brave! I have a couple of old dressers in the sewing room...are you free??

  2. You said it sista! Atlas Shrugged is a great book!
